Social Media

Add Google Authorship Markup to Your WordPress Site

Google Plus Profile Sitewide Default

While reviewing my website built on WordPress, I came across this option called “Google Plus Profile Sitewide Default” in All in One SEO WordPress plugin used by me for SEO optimization, and wondered, what is this? (A screenshot for reference)

After doing a research online; I was able to find one-of-it’s very importance was in, ‘Add Google authorship markup to WordPress sites using All in One SEO Pack
What does it Do?
It can help you assert ownership over your web content and enhance your personal brand online. Google shows the author’s avatar and extra detail in search results, which help the author’s content stand out. For e.g.,

Authorship markup semantically describes the relationship between a piece of content and its author, so search engines can identify the author’s work wherever it is published online.

How do you connect your website to your Google + profile?
The first thing is add the sites you blog for, to your Google+ profile.
1. In Google+, go to your profile and click Edit profile
2. Click the About tab and scroll down to the Contributor to section
3. Click the Contributor to label and add your website
4. Save your changes

Also you can test, how your given blog article along with your avatar is displayed in search results of Google by using Google’s Structured Data Testing tool;
Copy any page URL on your website and paste it in the URL field of Structured Data Testing tool. You should see a preview of, “How your page will appear in search results alongside your avatar, links to more of your content and verified authorship:”

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